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Around the world, digitalization is reshaping industries of all sorts

Partnerships are the heart of the matter

By Gavin Allen, Executive Editor-in-Chief

Lennon and McCartney. Romeo and Juliet. Ken and Barbie.

Insert your favorite double act here, and you’ll see that the whole is, indeed, greater than the sum of its parts.

It’s a sentiment with which Mehmet Ali Akarca, CEO of Turkish ICT company KoçSistem, would surely agree—although he puts it a bit differently.

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together," a saying he first heard at this year’s Huawei Connect event.

That proverb is a paean to partnership—a central theme in this edition of Transform, which looks at the intelligent transformation of industries through digital means.

Industrial transformation is built on cloud computing and an alliance between Cloud hyperscalers and regional experts. In Türkiye, for example, there’s Huawei Cloud and KoçSistem, a Spock-and-Captain Kirk pairing that helps companies boldly go forth to new worlds.

"All companies will move to the cloud eventually," KoçSistem’s CEO tells me. "It enables them to have more flexibility at a lower cost, and also scalability."

Together, he says, KoçSistem and Huawei can identify industry "pain points," then design targeted solutions that make the pain disappear—and lay the groundwork for a tech lift-off.

Some of those solutions are highlighted in the Discovery documentary series, Being Digi-Sapiens. Released this year with support from Huawei, Being Digi-Sapiens is hosted by YouTube influencer Simone Giertz. Over the course of three episodes, Simone visits a Spanish hospital, a German vineyard, and a Dutch logistics center—all of them using digitalization to deliver improved public services that fuel sustainable economic growth.

Different countries are at different stages of ICT maturity. But, as Huawei’s inaugural Global Digitalization Index shows, maturity means money.

"New trends like greatly advancing connectivity, AI, edge quantum computing—a lot of the previous indices do not track these things," said Victor Lim of IDC, a tech consultancy that created the index with support from Huawei. "We wanted to create an index that does."

As economies progress on the path of digitalization, they will see a clear ROI on their technology spend, according to Lim. IDC’s research found that, for every dollar national governments invest in ICT, they get $8.30 worth of economic benefits in the form of higher employment, increased productivity, and more innovation.

The Chair of Data Quality of the Internet of Things at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Professor Antonio Jara, echoed the message shown on Transform’s cover: that digitalization will be the beating heart of successful companies.

"Digitalization is the new language of the economy," Prof. Jara told me. "It means the opportunity to have the right tools and information to address your market opportunities… And Cloud is the solution to guarantee everybody can join the transformation without a big investment or barriers."

Also in this edition, we’ll hear how digitalization is:

  • Safeguarding railways in South Africa
  • Simplifying port operations in China
  • Forecasting dangerous weather in Madagascar
  • Enabling banking access in the Philippines

The title of the keynote speech at this year’s Huawei Connect event says it all: "Thrive with the Cloud: Reshaping Industries with AI."

The pace of technological adoption and development may vary. But, in countries around the world, digitalization is reshaping industries of all sorts. A kind of digital heart, it pumps out the lifeblood of business, society, and the world we live in.

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