How Does Digital Infrastructure Enable Business Development?
What does digital transformation demand from digital infrastructure and what value does digital technology bring to digitalization? Wu Lianfeng, Vice President and Chief Analyst of IDC Beijing, explains in this interview with Tech Talks for HuaweiTech.
By HuaweiTech
HuaweiTech: What digital infrastructure is required for digital transformation?
Wu Lianfeng:Infrastructure is a crucial requirement for digital transformation. Multi-layer IT architectures are common among enterprises where the bottom layer is the digital infrastructure, which serves as the foundation of future business innovation. The middle layer consists of development and deployment tools and the top layer is the application layer with various applications closely related to the business. To fulfill infrastructure requirements, we must use cloud-native technologies to help enterprises accelerate value innovation.
We also need to use intelligent operations to reduce the overall costs of enterprise infrastructure. And to improve customer experience, infrastructure needs to be ubiquitous, especially in the deployment of edge infrastructure. In general, we must ensure that infrastructure is highly reliable, secure, high-performing, easy to use, and low-cost, so that it can meet the innovation requirements of enterprises.
HuaweiTech: What value can digital technologies create for digital transformation?
Wu Lianfeng:Digital technologies include digital infrastructure and the value created for digital transformation covers at least four aspects. The first is the direct financial value for enterprises, including improvements in efficiency, cost, employee productivity, and business agility and resilience.
The second is to help customers realize value, such as by expanding the coverage of users and markets, boosting customer satisfaction, and improving functional and even emotional value. The third is to improve ecosystem value, strengthen trust relationships, share experience with data applications, and enhance joint innovation capabilities. The fourth is social value in a broad sense, including the achievement of carbon reduction goals, targeted charity and public welfare, and the inclusive application of technologies.
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- Digital Transformation